LRRB membership includes four county and two city engineers who may serve a maximum of two, four-year terms. MnDOT members include the State Aid Engineer, a representative from a MnDOT specialty office and the director of Research Services, who is the ex officio secretary and a voting member. A University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies representative is the 10th member.
Click here to view board member contact information.
LRRB Member Responsibilities
Members are expected to attend LRRB meetings and prepare for them by reviewing appropriate materials.
LRRB members serve as representatives of local road practitioners and are committed to carrying out LRRB’s mission. They make presentations about the LRRB during appropriate meetings of local transportation practitioners, and staff the LRRB booth at various conferences and trade shows.
LRRB members actively support local transportation practitioners through their participation in local focus group meetings, active solicitation of research topics and identification of TAP participants.
The LRRB nominates and elects a chair, who oversees and leads LRRB meetings. The chair is responsible for organizing ad hoc committees as necessary to review or further develop LRRB issues, naming committee members and appointing committee chairs. In addition to these responsibilities, the chair or another designated LRRB member represents the LRRB on research governance committees, such as those of the Transportation Engineering and Road Research Alliance (TERRA), the ITS Institute Board and the LTAP steering committee. The chair serves LRRB for a period of up to three years.
The LRRB uses generally accepted meeting procedures, requiring a minimum quorum of six members and operating on a majority vote to approve expenditure of LRRB funds and to make policy decisions. Polling of members shall be kept to a minimum and will be used only as necessary for action required before the next regular scheduled LRRB meeting. Such action shall be presented to the LRRB for affirmation at the next available LRRB meeting.