The Minnesota Local Road Research Board has developed a new spreadsheet tool to help local agencies manage their gravel roads. It can be used to track maintenance and construction data, as well as to track costs and optimize spending. A user guide provides instructions for the gravel road management tool.
The tool is customizable for a variety of purposes and system sizes. The spreadsheet includes tabs where uses can enter their road segment inventory, maintenance record, desired thickness, and segment evaluation. Reference tabs include an evaluation guide and raw GIS data for Minnesota county roads from the 2018 MnDOT Linear Referencing Network to be used by agencies who’d like to link their data to GIS. The developers pre-populated many of the input cell locations; however, users can customize them easily.
Related Documents
- Gravel Road Management Tool (xls)
- Gravel Road Management Spreadsheet Tool Supplemental Guidance
- Flyer
- Technical Summary
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