The Local Road Research Board publishes a wide range of transportation-related educational materials. Our most recent and popular guidebooks, manuals and courses are available below. For all research reports, go here.
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Rumble Strips Noise Difference: Traditional vs Sinusoidal Designs
This video, shot near Thief River Falls, Minnesota, shows a comparison between traditional rumble strip designs and the newer sinusoidal rumble strips (a.k.a. “mumble strips”). Researchers are investigating whether sinusoidal rumble strip designs, which are much quieter, are effective enough to combat drowsy or inattentive driving.
Flashing Yellow Arrow Tool for Time-of-Day Use Instructional Video
This video accompanies a spreadsheet tool, which aims to assist local agencies in determining which hours of the day to consider using flashing yellow arrow (FYA) phasing.
Guide for Rural Intersection Safety Technologies
A new guidebook is intended to help engineers select and deploy LED stop signs and ICWS at stop-controlled intersections.
Winter Chemicals for Local Agencies
This video gives an overview of the different types of chemicals available to public works entities to combat the toughest Minnesota winter conditions.
The Road to a Thoughtful Street Tree Master Plan
The manual will assist communities and planners to not only select the best trees for their available planting sites, but to use specific principles of street tree design to most effectively create public green spaces, positively affect traffic patterns, and create healthy living spaces.
Why Aren’t They Working on My Road?
Ever wonder why your road isn’t being repaired? This Minnesota Local Road Research Board video explains why roads go bad and why sometimes the worst roads aren’t fixed first.
Minnesota Bike Lanes: Learning to Share
In this video, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists in Minnesota identify some common misconceptions about bike lanes.
De-Icing Study: Putting the Products to the Test
Watch this video to see MnDOT-funded researchers transform parking lots into driving tracks to study the effects of weather and vehicle traffic on different deicing treatments.
What is the LRRB?
A short look at what the Minnesota Local Road Research Board does, and how it benefits city and county engineers, officials, and citizens.
Answers to Common Questions About Gravel Roads
More than half of U.S. roadways are gravel roads, making them an important part of our transportation system. Learn about gravel road construction, common problems with gravel roads, and how to keep a gravel road in the best condition.
Navigating a Multi-Lane Roundabout
Ever wonder why your road isn’t being repaired? This Minnesota Local Road Research Board video explains why roads go bad and why sometimes the worst roads aren’t fixed first.
Frost Damage in Pavement: Executive Summary
This is an abbreviated version of the full “Frost Damage in Pavement: Causes and Cures” video.
Frost Damage in Pavement: Causes and Cures
Frost damage is a costly aspect of roadway maintenance. This video shows laboratory experiments exploring how frost interacts with pavement, discusses methods of repairing damage and offers better designs to avoid damage in the first place.
Road Closed Signs: Beware and Be Aware
A tragic accident occurred in Cambridge, Minn., when a driver ignored a “Road Closed” sign and drove into a 30-foot-deep trench. This video shows the choices that led to this crash, the dangers of entering a construction area, and the importance of obeying Road Closed signs.
Construction Zone Safety: Our Responsibility
Scott Gabrio, a MnDOT maintenance worker, was seriously injured by a distracted driver in a construction zone. This video shows what happened to Scott and what we can all do to prevent similar crashes from happening in the future.
Choosing Stormwater Management Practices: A Decision Tree for Minnesota Cities
Based on a Local Road Research Board guide to stormwater best management practices, this video shows examples of various BMPs as local engineers explain how they have used them to keep stormwater pollutants out of Minnesota lakes and streams.
Minnesota Pothole Professionals: Smoothing the Way to Safer Travel
Local pothole professionals, like those featured in this video, respond to citizen reports of potholes and proactively patch potholes on an interim basis during the spring thaw and on a permanent basis throughout the warmer months.
Stop Signs: Why Do We Have Them on Residential Roads?
This video answers the common questions regarding stop signs, such as whether these signs really slow traffic and who decides where they’re placed.
Speed Limits: Why Do We Have Them?
This video addresses the frequently asked questions relating to speed limits: Do lower speeds slow traffic? And should residential speed limits differ from other types of roads?
Catch Basin Maintenance Repair Trailer
This video shows how the City of Lakeville Street Division was able to retrofit an existing trailer to meet their current needs, thanks to funding from the LRRB’s Operational Research Assistance Program.