Established in 1959 through state legislation, the Local Road Research Board (LRRB) has sponsored more than 200 individual research projects over the last 15 years. Current LRRB-funded research falls primarily into the following categories: design, construction, maintenance/operations, environmental compatibility, administration and implementation.
Grassroots Involvement
The transportation practitioners who are responsible for county highways and city streets best understand the problems and challenges in providing safe, efficient roadways. The LRRB makes it easy for them to participate in setting the research agenda.
How the LRRB Works
Transportation practitioners submit ideas to the LRRB, which selects and approves proposals. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) provides administrative support and technical assistance. Researchers from MnDOT, universities and consulting firms conduct the research, and the LRRB monitors the progress.
Advancing Minnesota’s Transportation Systems
Research sponsored by the LRRB helps to improve the quality of Minnesota’s transportation systems. The impact of this research multiplies as more and more engineers see potential applications through the technology transfer efforts of LRRB’s Research Implementation Committee (RIC). Click here to submit an idea.
Making a Difference
Past LRRB research projects include exploring better methods to inspect and maintain timber bridges, identifying best design practices when applying Complete Streets principles and evaluating the impacts of implements of husbandry on Minnesota roads and bridges.