The Local Road Research Board publishes a wide range of transportation-related educational materials. Our most recent and popular guidebooks, manuals and courses are available below. For all research reports, go here.
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Best Practices: Managing Interactions Between Local Authorities and Major Traffic Generators
This document presents guidelines for Minnesota county
engineers on how to interact with developers of “wind farms” (technically known as large wind energy conversion systems or LWECS). However, county engineers in other states, other road authorities, and wind power developers themselves also may find this information valuable.
Common Practices for Avoiding Bumps in Overlays
This booklet is intended to aid local and state highway construction, maintenance, and design staff understand the potential causes and possible remedies for bumps that occur during overlay construction.
Stormwater Maintenance BMP Resource Guide
This resource guide was created to supplement the Minnesota Stormwater Manual in regards to local government inspection and maintenance activities associated with various BMP categories. It can be used as a tool by city staff and policy makers for evaluating various BMPs to install based on anticipated long-term maintenance requirements.
Snowplow Salt and Sander Calibration Manual
This guide provides easy-to-use steps for calibrating snowplow sander controllers. It includes quick calibration sheets, calculation worksheets, and blank calibration forms for both manual and automatic controllers.
2006 State Aid Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Best Practices Manual
This manual, a reformatted version of LRRB Manual 2005-33, has been designed to be used as specifications for concrete repair of local city streets and county concrete pavements. It is intended to be used as supplemental specifications for constructing this work throughout the state of Minnesota.
Minnesota Seal Coat Handbook
This revised Seal Coat Handbook is intended to be a practical tool for the designer and the technician.
Use of Warranties in Highway Construction
The use of warranties in roadway construction is a hot topic at the state and local level. Agencies across the board are looking for innovative ways to deliver construction projects and reduce maintenance costs and time commitments. This report examines how warranties may offer some relief.
Toolkit for a Career in Civil Engineering
Here you’ll find resources for anyone considering a career as a civil engineer.
Erosion Control Handbook for Local Roads
This manual will assist counties, townships and local units of government by providing guidelines and methods for effective erosion control practices on low-volume roads.
Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Field Handbook
This field manual provides guidelines for preventive asphalt pavement maintenance techniques for a variety of distresses and conditions.
Best Practices Handbook on Roadside Vegetation Management
This handbook was written to provide guidelines for effective management of roadside vegetation for local agencies, and highlights seven best management practices (BMPs) that were identified through research, surveys, and discussion with industry experts.
Best Practices Handbook on Asphalt Pavement Maintenance
The purpose of this handbook is to provide background information about the importance of pavement preservation and preventive maintenance, as well as present maintenance techniques for a variety of distresses and conditions.
Urban Mailbox Installation Guidance
Using a series of dramatic crash-test clips, this video illustrates the potential dangers of mailbox installations on high-speed roadways, and suggests safer, cost-effective alternatives to standard wood posts and other designs that penetrate windshields on impact.