The LRRB Research Implementation Committee (RIC) develops training resources that help transmit new knowledge to transportation practitioners. The following RIC projects are underway or have been completed.
Search theĀ research project database for all LRRB projects or peruse our product gallery for popular guidebooks and videos only. We also co-sponsor training through the LTAP program.
Best Management Practices for Drain Tile in Rights of Way
Best Practice Guidelines for Intelligent (Active) Warning Devices
Best Practices for Improving Subgrade Drainage
Best Practices for Using Social Media for Local Agencies
Catch Basins and Manholes: Products, Installation, and Settlement and Heave Mitigation
Contractors Overcommitting/Missing Deadlines
Cost Effectiveness of Various Pavement Markings
Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Effectiveness of Crack Sealing Techniques
Culvert Type Evaluation: Concrete vs Plastic vs Corrugated Metal
Drainage 101 County Roadways and City Streets: Best Practices and Resources Guide
Guidelines for Determining Speed Limits on Municipal Roadways
Guidelines for Using Intelligent Warning Devices
Mitigating Projects Missing Deadlines
Pavement Marking Decision Tree – Project Level
Speed Limit Guidance for Municipal Roadways
Autonomous Vehicles – What Should Local Agencies Expect?
Autonomous Vehicles: What Should Local Agencies Expect?
Best Practices for Boulevard Turf Design and Maintenance
Best Practices for Managing Utility Congestion Within Rights-of-Way
Best Practices to Manage Effects of Settlement and Heave at Catch Basins and Manholes
Construction Inspection and Documentation Training Course
Effectiveness of Fog Seal on Chip Sealed Low-Volume Roads
Full Depth Reclamation Resource Guide for Urban and Suburban Street Application
GIS Tools and Apps – Integration with Asset Management
GIS Tools and Apps – Integration with Asset Management
Guidance for Bicycle Facility Selection and Design
Managing Utility Congestion within the ROW
Mitigating Seasonal Movements at Culverts
Pavement Performance of Overlays and New Construction Related to Ride Quality and Reflective Cracking
Pavement Preservation Guidance for Local Agencies
Pedestrian Crosswalk Policy Development Guidelines
Signing for Effective Roundabout Approach Speed Reduction
System Preservation Guide – A Planning Process for Local Government Management of Transportation Networks
Training Course: Corridor Management and Maintenance of Paved Recreational Trails
Addressing Citizen Requests For Traffic Safety Concerns
Asset Management Guide for Local Agencies
Base Stabilization Guidance and Additive Selection for Pavement Design and Rehabilitation
Lightly Surfaced Roads (LSR) Training & Workshop Curriculum
ADA Transition Plan Template for Local Agencies
Complete Streets Template(s) for Minnesota Local Agencies
Flashing Yellow Arrow Tool for Time-of-Day Use Instructional Video
Impacts of Implements of Husbandry on Local Roads
Minnesota Local Agency Preparedness for Unpaved Roads
Synopsis of Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Material
Temporary Traffic Control
Thinking of Building a Multi-Lane Roundabout?
Young Drivers Toolkit
Allowable Axle Loads – Implementation of TONN 2010 – Phase 2
BMPs for Promoting Roadway Safety Maintenance
BPs for Recreational Trail Management
BPs for Sign Reduction – Phase 2
Dust Control
Implementation of Pavement Management in Minnesota
Pavement Design 301 – Integrated Tools for Pavement Design and Management
Traffic Generators