The Local Road Research Board publishes a wide range of transportation-related educational materials. Our most recent and popular guidebooks, manuals and courses are available below. For all research reports, go here.
Contact our staff at for more information.

Autonomous Vehicles: What Should Local Agencies Expect?
A new FAQ interactive resource guide helps local agencies prepare for and respond to Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) changes.

Minnesota Snow and Ice Control Handbook for Snowplow Operators
The newly revised field handbook offers guidance for snow plow operators on tools, best practices, and limitations for snow and ice control.

Catch Basins and Manholes: Products, Installation, and Settlement and Heave Mitigation
A new guide provides current information about manhole and catch basin installation and maintenance practices for municipal and county engineers.

Expanding the Transportation Workforce: Tools for Local Agencies
New tools are available to help local agencies recruit, train, and retain workers in the short term, while others help promote career opportunities to students and feed the longer-term worker pipeline.

Full Depth Reclamation Resource Guide for Urban and Suburban Street Application
A new guidebook, video, and fact-sheet provides guidance on the use of full-depth reclamation for rehabilitating urban and suburban roads.

Mitigating Seasonal Movements at Culverts
A quick reference guide for addressing seasonal movements at culverts and utilities. Topics include: causes of seasonal movement, susceptible soils, potential issues/evaluation, mitigation construction practices, utility trench treatment, and
MnDOT standards

System Preservation Guidance & Tools
This project produced an interactive guide that helps local agencies evaluate their transportation network preservation needs, communicate these needs to elected officials and the public, and select and implement strategies to address funding gaps.

Bicycle Facility Implementation – Quick Reference Guide
A companion to the MnDOT Bicycle Facility Design Manual, this guide offers a quick reference to key resources, FAQs, and more related to bicycle facility selection, design, and operations.

GIS Tools and Apps – Integration with Asset Management
A Quick Start Guide offers guidance on how to get started using GIS tools for managing public works assets.

Side-Dumping Plow Truck Piloted in Nicollet County
Video demonstration of adaption of a Mack Super Truck from its usual winter snowplow configuration to also haul a much larger side-dumping trailer in summer. Includes fact sheet.

Improving Roadside Turfgrass Establishment
The LRRB has developed a comprehensive online course for turfgrass installers. A website provides guidance to homeowners living near new turfgrass installations.

Pavement Preservation Guidance for Local Agencies
New pavement preservation guidance helps local road agencies review accessible and effective options for preserving the condition of local asphalt pavements.

Best Practices for Managing Utility Congestion Within Rights-of-Way
The guide focuses on the requirements of Minnesota statutes, including the powers they grant to local agencies to issue permits, require quality mapping and expect timely progress.

Guide to Converting Distressed Low-Volume Paved Roads to Unpaved Roads
A practitioner-ready guide for converting severely distressed low-volume paved roads to improved, easily maintained gravel roads. The guide includes decision-making tools and an online webinar for training

Asset Management Guide for Local Agencies
An introduction to all aspects of consolidated asset management for smaller departments, from getting started to an overview of software programs, the benefits of life-cycle cost analysis and the need for risk management.

Lightly Surfaced Roads (LSR) Training & Workshop Curriculum
A Light Surface Treatment, also known as a bituminous surface treatment, is a relatively new method for preserving a gravel or dirt road surface. The LRRB developed a half-day training curriculum to help counties and townships select the right treatment and successfully apply it.

Pedestrian Crosswalk Policy Development Guidelines
This quick reference guide helps local agencies select appropriate crosswalk treatments based on roadway type, vehicle volumes and posted speed limits.

Edina Develops Temporary Roadside Turf Irrigation System
The City of Edina Engineering Department has developed a temporary roadside turf irrigation system with inexpensive common parts for the roadsides of smaller city road and utilities reconstruction projects as a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to water truck irrigation.

Workshop: Concrete Pavement Preservation for Local Streets and Roads
This November 2019 LTAP workshop covered all aspects of rehabilitation for concrete pavements, concrete curb and gutter, and median sidewalk pavement.

Workshop: Extending Pavement Life through Pavement Preservation Techniques, Strategies, and Preventative Maintenance
A new LRRB-sponsored workshop will provide an overview of the available technology and tools that make implementing a pavement preservation program feasible.